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Weekly Announcements & Events

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Week of December 15th, 2024

Announcements/Visitors Welcome




Pastor's Seed Bed--Exodus 22:31 God's laws point the way to Holiness

Personal Application: Look for unexpected ways God's Ten Commandments can be expressed in personal social life.


​SUNDAY SCHOOL -LESSON TITLED - God's Plan is Affirmed

LESSON Text--Luke 1:39-56


 Join us for:  9:30AM-Sunday School

                        11:00AM- Worship Service â€‹â€‹


Bible Study Ministry Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each Month. 


                        Remember the Sabath and Keep it Holly.                              

                                                                                                                                                   Exodus 20:8-11


 Mat is National High Blood Pressure Month

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ALL May Birthday's--May the upcoming years of your life be filled with new discoveries of God's love and goodness!











Sunday school is for all, the Young and Young at Heart 

In person Sunday School classes are held each Sunday, 9:30AM at the Church. 

We will resume in person  Adults Classes I and II.   


 Pray always without Ceasing...I Thessalonians 5:17
We are NOT always able to touch, but we can AGREE to pray daily at 9AM, 12PM and 3PM.  God Answers Prayers.

Sunday's In-Person Worship Service~11AM

Sunday School Classes Adult I & II 9:30AM

Children Sunday School--9:30AM

Children Church---11AM


*Mid-week Bible Study--No exact starting date has been determined.

Agenda for Midweek Service-(when it starts)

6:45-Call/Login period--Meet/Greet 



7:25-7:55--Weekly Lesson**


 **Lesson instructed by Ministers/Deacons


God loves a cheerful giver, Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the window of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it...Malachi 3:10.  


Homework Help Ministry

Need help with homework?   The Tutoring Ministry is here for YOU!!!  Contact Sis Tiffany Goodloe, Sis Salynthia Russell, or Sis Taneshia Jones.  Thank You, Sis. Tiffany Goodloe,

Tutoring Ministry.


A member of the Health Ministry is available to assist when needed at any service.  Please take the time to introduce yourself.  You never know when you may need their service.  May God continue to Bless You with good health.  The Health Ministry. 



Every 2nd Sunday will be Youth/Family & Friends Casual and Vision Sunday.  We are encouraging every member to bring/invite your family members and friends to attend church with you.  We need your prayers and support to make the worship service a continued success.  Any questions or concerns may be directed to Sister Salynthia Russell, Youth Director or any Deacon.  Yours in Christ, Shiloh Leadership.

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